About Me

Hi, I’m Laurie Works (they/them/xe/xer), MA., NCC, RYT.

I am a clinician and somatic witch, currently based in Tucson, AZ. I believe the spiritual and radical are seamlessly combined and come together in the alchemy of the body.

Our bodies become the site for the collision of systems – how our societal systems (racism, heterosexism, fatphobia, transphobia, etc) affect us has great effect on our physical and spiritual wellbeing. The somatic and spiritual work I do is to excavate and transform the effects these wider systems have on our personal and collective bodies.

In my work, I utilize Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Level 1 trained), systems work, feminist theory, and psychodynamic theory, as well as herbal and spiritual support informed by my own cultural lineage (I am 1/4 Swedish and have French, German, Irish, and English roots).

I identify as a witch and weave this into my practices with clients. This work often looks like the previously mentioned herbal support, tarot work, and creating individual and collective ceremonies that are spaces of healing. I do not believe witchcraft is an individual journey and deeply believe in utilizing witchcraft in a collective way to address societal dysfunction. My teachers and colleagues in this lineage include Edgar Fabian Frias and Laura Tempest-Zakroff, among others.

You’ll also find pieces of my story on this site. I am a survivor of a mass shooting, and I write about that here. I find that this doesn’t detract from my work with clients, but rather adds to it in an important and defining way.

If you would like to work with me, please click here.

[Disclaimer: What I tell are my perceptions of my story, and do not reflect the views of my family or other allied organizations with which I am involved.]

If you want to contact me outside the blog, you can contact me using the contact form on that page, follow me on Twitter – laurieworks, or follow me on Instagram – healingembodied.